Movie Roundup #1

Some time in April Kevin and I started going to our local video rental store each weekend to rent a bunch of movies to watch throughout the week, and it has been SO fun! Browsing the shelves and picking stuff that looks weird is actually way more fun than Netflix, even though it requires leaving the house.

1) The Joy Luck Club: if you haven't recently spent an evening sobbing through this, WHY haven't you?? It is so good. First saw it as a teenager and there are lines I've remembered for my whole life. Wonderful movie (and book). Go get yourself a good cry!

2) The Unnamable: A Lovecraft adaptation we'd never heard of. Campy college horror in which sexy college students get trapped in a house with a surprisingly scary-looking monster. It's fun!

3) The Hitcher: I thought this was great. Relies heavily on the (to me) hilarious premise that murderers will murder every single person they meet. They must be exhausted! Rutger Hauer is very scary as he terrorizes knockoff Bobby Briggs. Siskel & Ebert hated it; Anderson & Anderson disagree!

4) Wolf Guy: Chosen entirely for its title, this was basically fun but you'd probably be fine to skip it. Featuring a lycanthrope journalist who never actually turns into a wolf, and an invisible tiger spirit made of a woman's hatred. Clocking in at 86 minutes, watching it was something to do.


Movie Roundup #2


Episode Tie-in Review: The Yiddish Policemen's Union