Movie Monday #9

1) Hopscotch: This movie is a gentleman's John Wick. Walter Matthau stars as a CIA agent who wants out because he hates his tiny boss, but he doesn't kill anybody. There is a hovercraft in this movie, and I realized that I knew the WORD hovercraft but I never knew what a hovercraft actually is. Now I do, and it's incredible. Imagine if you knew the WORD airplane but you'd never actually seen one and then suddenly you did and you were like OH MY GOD, *AIR* plane, it flies through the AIR. That's how I felt. Anyway, this was pretty funny and you should look at the Wikipedia page for hovercraft. Also, Hopscotch brings our "das vidanya" count to 4. Recommended.

2) Strange Brew: This movie started out like Broad City for Canadian men. Then it turned into Hamletty sci-fi which I definitely did not see coming and you might think I would like that but... I believe that this movie is funny, but I didn't get it. However, I loved every sweater and big hairdo. Recommended for Canadians.


Movie Monday #10


Movie Monday #8