Movie Roundup #2

1. The Last Man on Earth - This is an adaptation of Richard Matheson's short novel I am Legend (a book I hated to read, with apologies to friend of the pod Olav, who I think I recall loves it?). That being said, Matheson's story is incredibly inventive and flips the typical monster story completely on its head. The movie tracks VERY closely to the book, minus the parts I hated, so that was nice. It's a little tough to evaluate on its own merits since the movie held no surprises for me. Vincent Price is good as the lead. B+, maybe?

2. In the Heart of the Sea - This movie (also adapted from a book) was terrible! In the Heart of the Sea by Nathaniel Philbrick is my one true nonfiction love, and a cast featuring Thor, Spider-Man, and Colin Farrell's best friend really ruined it with flying colors. I did enjoy all the boat and ocean noises though, which mostly covered the sound of my neighbor's nighttime leaf blowing. I might re-read the book and write a proper review of this one.

3. Waiting for Guffman - This was basically Baby's First Christopher Guest movie (I've seen Best in Show but I don't remember it at all). The characters are all basically nice to each other, and I enjoyed spending time in a universe where the community LOVES its local theater scene. No notes.

4. Dilwale Dulhania Le Jayenge - We missed seeing this at our local theater recently (it was a whole event with food provided by Chai Pani!) so we decided to rent it and get a small mountain of Chai Pani takeout. This movie was a lot of fun, but the male lead really enjoyed making a fool out of his female love interest. I found that tough to tolerate in my tender middle age, but he was still unequivocally better than the d-bag she was supposed to marry, so best wishes I guess. A fun time with great music and dancing and some very good jokes. Also I loved the bride's mother and she made me cry a little with her unexpected ruminations on how few choices women have in life, and whether mothers can seize the power to make a better life for their daughters.


Movie Roundup #3


Movie Roundup #1